By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
Republicans believe that President Barack Obama was as close to having a tyrant in the White House as this country could manage. Democrats believe the same about President Donald J. Trump. Yet, in America, we don’t even understand the true definition of tyranny. In fact, tyranny is on the rise, but it is those tyrants who claim the champions of liberty are the enemies of America.
Europeans say they understand the true nature of tyrants. They have endured a number of them. Adolf Hitler comes to mind, as does a whole list of communists from the previous century. But, despite the fact that the Europeans should be experts on the characteristics of a tyrant, their policies regarding socialism and Islam tells us that they, too, have no idea what a tyrant truly is. Instead, they have invited the tyrants into their midst, and they are colluding with them without the realization that they are in bed with the enemy.
In truth, the Democrats in America, who claim to be the tolerant ones, are the ones showing the most intolerance for those they disagree with, and in truth it is they who best fits the definition of what it is like to have a tyrant in our Constitutional Republic.
Often, the tyranny manifests on college campuses. We’ve seen riots erupt over leftist college students refusing to accept an opposing point of view on their campus. Milo Yiannopoulos comes to mind, whose speech was cancelled after riots erupted that included the burning of public and personal property on the Berkeley college campus. Anne Coulter comes to mind, whose speech was canceled at Berkeley for fears of a violent response, and then, riots broke out, anyway. They, the angry snowflakes, blame it all on the rise of President Donald J. Trump, even though their accusations are false, and it is them, not Republicans, who have been going out of their minds with protests, rallies and riots packed with anti-American ridiculousness.
How about Jordan Peterson? Have you heard about the violent response to his talks?
Peterson has emerged on the scene with a strong message that counters the leftist madness, and embraces morality and common sense . . . and it pisses off the liberal left snowflakes (not to mention the rest of the liberal left socialist commies).
The speaking event where his attendees were accosted was on the campus of Queens University. The speaker, professor of psychology and clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, delivered a searing speech, and then the radical, anti-free speech social justice activists confirmed everything he was saying as they laid siege to the lecture hall, pounding on the stained glass windows, screaming “Shame!” in the faces of those who attended the talk.
At one point, they also surrounded and harassed a young female student.
On the same day Antifa protesters shut down an event at King’s College in London as well as a Christina Hoff Sommers’ event at Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland.
In a series of videos posted online and highlighted by Peterson on social media, the student activists can be seen attempting to “barricade” the participants of the event. According to Peterson, after the event, activists were “accosting” participants on the way to the parking lot.
“It was absolutely surreal,” Peterson tweeted. “The mob neglected to bring torches and pitchforks, but the sentiment was there: ‘Lock them in and burn it down’.” A few days before the event, Peterson tweeted that professors at the university had fed into sentiment against him by describing him as “anti-trans/racist/colonialist/anti-Semitic & Islamophobic.”
The liberal left is not only doing what they can to silence any message they think favors Trump on college campuses, but the mainstream media is doing what it can to hide any good news about the accomplishments of the Donald Trump administration.
CNN has a “Trump Jobs Tracker” that they hoped would serve as a confirmation of how horrible Trump is doing when it comes to the economy. However, Trump’s record keeps getting better and better, so, as a result, the news network hasn’t recently updated its tracker of how many jobs the economy has presented since Inauguration Day.
The network’s “Trump Jobs Tracker” is part of CNN Digital’s effort to keep its audience updated on whether the president is keeping his promises to release the full potential of the American economy after eight years of anemic growth under former President Barack Obama.
One problem: The last time someone updated the tracker was Jan. 5, when the economy had only added 1,839,000 jobs since Trump took office. Under that pace, according to CNN, Trump is “off track” to fulfill his promise that he’d help create “25 million jobs in 10 years, or 208,333 jobs per month.”
Recent reports revealed that 313,000 jobs were added in February, a rise, if kept up, that could be more than enough set the United States on a healthy pace to average 208,333 jobs per month in 2018.
On Social Media we’ve also been hearing about the liberal left’s intolerance. In addition to Twitter’s Shadow Banning, and Facebook’s censoring of conservative content, in a recent survey it has been determined that Democrats are 3 times more likely to unfriend someone on Social Media.
In the survey, 13% of Americans reported blocking or unfriending a “friend” on social media because of their political postings. The results of the study, carried out by the non-partisan Public Religion Research Institute, showed the impulse to block varies widely based on gender and political leanings.
The study shows Democrats were almost three times more likely than Republicans (24% vs. 9%) to have unfriended someone after the election. A similar disparity turned up for self-identified liberals versus conservatives (28% vs. 8%). Meanwhile, only 9% of independents reportedly booted someone out of their online social circles because of politics.
So much for the tolerance of the liberal left.
The growth of “filter bubbles” in which people live in ideological cocoons that shut out discordant viewpoints, is expanding faster than ever, which, in many cases, leads to some voters becoming less exposed to those who don’t share their opinions.
In Oakland, the same city whose mayor has stood defiant against the chief law enforcement official of the United States regarding federal immigration laws and the federal government agencies tasked with executing those laws, the city’s residents and business establishments are emulating their leaders’ misguided actions.
The East Oakland cafe is named Hasta Muerte Coffee, and on its website it proudly proclaims its collectivistic nature: “Hasta Muerte Coffee is a new, poc collectively run, worker-owned coffee shop. We are committed to nurturing community while serving the best coffee, hasta la muerte. Offering drinks and snacks and hosting a specialty bookstore, we hope to provide a warm and inclusive atmosphere for friends and neighbors to gather. We believe in non-hierarchical work spaces, quality coffee, and community building.”
The post said an Oakland police officer walked into Hasta Muerte, 2701 Fruitvale Ave., on February 16 and was declined service by a worker-owner because “we have a policy of asking police to leave for the physical and emotional safety of our customers and ourselves.”
The post closes with a request for community members, rather than law enforcement, to support the cafe’s safety “[e]specially in an area faced by drug sales and abuse, homelessness, and toxic masculinity as we see here on this block.”
“toxic masculinity”?
We have lost our way. We have become a godless society who has lost our ability to even understand liberty, much less defend it. How has this happened?